The Lee Family | Family Beach Photography in Avalon NJ

The Lee Family | Family Beach Photography in Avalon NJ

A session of family beach photography in Avalon NJ with the Lee Family of Laurence Harbor, NJ. Avalon is a premier vacation spot for many Main Line families, and has so many photography favorites of mine. It is on my top 5 favorite locations to shoot my beach portraits! The landscape is diverse in beach dunes, long paths, beautiful ocean shores, plus many paths have lots of vegetation and shade! There are a family of skunks that like to come and say hello on a certain street, but we tend to stay clear of their home so they are cool with me! Avalon has a famous tagline, Cooler by a Mile, but this phrase is more factual than just a slogan. Avalon beaches do reach out by about a mile so they are truthful with their claim. The town gets the ocean breeze close to a mile before any other barrier island so it’s cooler by a mile to say the least! The Lee family have two adventurous boys that led me on an exploration of some ocean habitats. We looked for lots of fossils and shells and enjoyed a bird nests along our path. I enjoyed their energy and hoped I captured the closeness these two boys have.



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