Mom Session

I am a mom to four boys so I love to photograph a mom and her kids, especially down at the Jersey Shore. ! I think every mom can relate to the love a mother feels for her child. It’s a love beyond measure.

The C Family was so much fun to capture. Kathleen is a mom to two boys who are growing every day.  One in high school and one in college, it was a privilege to see into a window of their life. I know that day will be upon me sooner than I like to think about, but seeing these boys and how much they love their mom, gives me hope that I will be ok.

Being a mom to older boys is kinda like walking a tight rope. They don’t want affection in terms of hugs, tickles, and being rocked in your arms, but rather, attention for their jokes, or watching their favorite hockey team on tv with them. You have no guide telling you that you are doing a good job, or how far you have left until you are done, and it’s scary because you don’t know if every decision you make will make you fall down into horrible pain. When to be strict, when to be lenient, when to give space and when to really insist on knowing everything.

But Kathleen is proof that we can make it. Her boys are thriving and growing up to be such fine gentlemen. I love what I do–Capturing families and meeting great people! Especially at the Jersey Shore.


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