Mermaid Minisessions

Mermaid Mini Sessions coming to the Jersey Shore beaches….


Does your little girl LOVE mermaids?? They are everywhere these days.

Our new MERMAID Photo Sessions have finally been released! See the dates below…limited availability to contact me soon!

CAPE MAY – August 15th  Sold out!
STONE HARBOR – AUGUST 16 and 17th  Sold OUT!
SEA ISLE – August 18th  Sold out!
OCEAN CITY – August 24th   Sold out!

Dates added for Ocean City: August 25th  Sold out! August 30th Sold OUT!
Tails are provided…see below for styles and sizes. Spots are sold out!! All sessions will be from 6:30-8:30pm.


I have two types of outfits…


Crochet includes tail, top, and headband…sizes 6-18mo., size 2, size 4, size 6. All outfits are identical.

Swimmable Fins include tails, and top. A seashell headband will be available to complete the outfit.  Sizes include 5/6,  7/8 – and 8/10.

size 5/6- Top is purple or green, Tail is green

7/8- Matching top and tail, purple

8/10 – Ariel colors, green tail, purple top.


Contact Karrie Davis Photography today is you are interested in a stop. Spots fill up quickly and there is a limited opportunity!



mermaid photo sessions of kids at the beach- so cute, love these mermaid fins and matching outfits, NJ Family photographer offering Mermaid photo sessions
Mermaid Photos for girls at the Jersey Shore. 
Mermaid Photos for girls at the Jersey Shore
Mermaid minisessions on the beach
mermaid on the beach photo of child in mermaid outfit for a summer beach family session. South Jersey Family Photographer
Mermaid Photography on the beach
mermaid photography on the beach. Loved this mermaid outfit for this infant and the seashell bikinis too.
Mermaid Infant
beach mermaid stunning portrait- NJ family beach photographer
Mermaid on the beach


14 thoughts on “Mermaid Minisessions”

  1. Hello!! Omgoodness my daughter is turning 1 next month & I chose a mermaid theme with purple and teal!! I feel it’s meant to be when I seen this post!!
    I’d love to reserve 18 month outfit for Monday 8/15 in Cape May!!!! Please let me know about how I go about further info, directions, time etc

  2. I am interested in a mermaid session for my 11 y/o daughter. Please let me know if there are any spots left please! Thanks so much!

  3. I’m interested in either of the stone Harbor dates or the august 30th date for my 5month old and 5yr old.

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