
Valentine’s Day Box Fun | Hot Air Balloon

Valentine’s Day Box Fun | Hot Air Balloon


Valentine’s Day Box Making of a Hot Air Balloon:

My son Landon asked me to help him create his Valentine’s Day Box for his second grade exchange. I think the box is as important these days as the actual Valentine’s given which in itself is much different than the Valentine’s that I exchanged. Long gone are the days of generic index card sized valentines where we would handmake to pass out to our friends. As in everything, I turn to Pinterest. Pinterest is a wealth of information, ideas, quotes, recipes, etc. If you are a Pinterest beginner, check out my profile here.  I have a lots of boards for all faucets of my life. Think of it as ripping out recipes, or decorating ideas or great quotes you don’t want to forget and putting them in a journal or a book to keep together. Now it’s all digital and organized and I don’t stress about where I put it or coming up with great ideas. Why reinvent the wheel??

So in February, it’s a photographer’s slow season. I am not really that bored. I am taking less photos or taking more of my own kids. But I am keeping busy learning new techniques and learning the business side of the whole photography career. I am trying to catch up on my blog of all the wonderful sessions that I had no time to do.  I beg your forgiveness to accept this post as less about showing a great session, but more of my fun life with boys.

Now back to the box making.  Landon searched Pinterest with me and we had lots of choices. Lego box, Minion Box, Toilet Bowl Box (my fav!), and then he came to the Hot Air Balloon. His eyes lit up and he wanted to make it.  I told him that a real balloon would deflate in the two weeks that it needed to be up in his classroom. He choose the beach ball one. We came up with our supply list and then we went to every store you can imagine that might for them. Michael’s for the dowels, 5 Below for the basket (brown box would be easier but he liked the basket), and I have lots of scrap paper in my scrapbooking nook so he cut the triangles.  The beach ball was the biggest challenge. No store had one, with them all saying in a few weeks. So I ordered one off of Amazon, but of course, was way too small. Pool store to the rescue with a 36inch ball that was a perfect fit. I of course had to drop him off at school with that monster, no way was I trusting him on the bus with that piece of artwork, lol.  The oooohhhs and aaaaahhhhs he got at drop off from all the kids made him grin from ear to ear. And that was all I needed. One for the Pinterest WIN column.

His actual Valentine’s that he is giving were purchased from Etsy. Another site that is worth checking out!!

So what do you think?


valentines box funvalentines school of fishvalentines box valentines fun

Family Photography | A Sister’s Bond by Karrie Davis Photography

South Jersey Family Photography | A Sister’s Bond

A sister’s bond is one that will endure your entire life. I have two older sisters and a sibling will be there with you from cradle to grave. This type of relationship can vary depending on the different stages of a child’s life. But my sisters have seen me through every stage of my life and I know that I will always have their love and presence in my life.

On this fall day, I captured Leah and Maya in their backyard. This was the second session with them. Last year’s session went well but this year, they were able to truly sit together and enjoy playing together in perfectly coordinated sweaters and ugg boots. Leah is a wonderful big sister and love showing Maya the ropes of life.  Maya is a lovable soul who really has such a great smile. Both were hugging and giggling the whole time. As with every session, I like to do some individual pictures, and they both were popping in the background of those bloopers.

With all sessions, I try to capture the love and relationship between my subject. As you can tell, they love being sisters. I enjoyed seeing their relationship grow from siblings to friends as they will continue to be each other’s confidant.




Snow Photoshoot |Tips for taking snow photos.

Snow Photoshoot |Tips for Taking Snow Photos


Winter is here. I live on the east coast and we get several snowstorms a year usually. There is something so magical and peaceful about a snowscape. I always try and bribe one of my boys to participate in a snow photoshoot. I have been known to pay in lollipops. I have learned some lessons and tips via the hard way on the best way to capture the best snow photos with your kids.

Tip# 1

Get your gear accustomed to the temperatures. Don’t go from warm house, to warm car, then to cold outside. You will have some equipment issues. Put your camera in the bag in your cold car and then progress to outside temperatures. And do the same with warming up your camera once you are out of the cold.


Exposure Compensation — Bump it up to a +1 on your exposure dial. If you are unsure, look up in your camera manual. The grey in the snow really makes photos dark, so bumping it up will ensure that your snow is a true white.

Tip #3

Wear bright clothing to make your subject pop in all the white tones. Girls have it easier with this. A pink hat and scarf will do wonders on bringing the eye to your subject. I always give my boys hats and scarves from Old Navy for Christmas that I plan on making them use for a photos. They are so reasonable so I don’t feel bad about spending the $$.

Tip #4

Protect your gear. It might be a good idea to wait until the side blowing snow settles down. Windy snow pictures will not make it look magical. You can always add snow via the editing room in templates or layers! Lots can be found for free.


When editing or adding filters, you can never go wrong with black and white or sepia. They add the classic look of a winter wonderland.

Tip #6

Don’t want to go outside?? Maybe you have a sick kid or don’t want to venture out. Go near a window and the light of the snow outside really reflects onto your subject so you don’t need a flash!!

Tip #7

Have fun. Making memories filled with laughter and silliness is the point of the photos. Snow days are such a highlight of childhood.


snow photoshootsnow photoshoot bwsnow photoshoot tipssnow photoshootsnow photoshoot insidesnow photoshoot


Family Photography

Living by Lauren

Family Photography by Karrie Davis Photography….Living by Lauren is a wonderful blog written by the super talented wife and mom who has such a great eye on life, her boys, home design, and photography. She wanted some updated headshots for her upcoming blogs and online articles, so I went to her uber gorgeous house that is a dream of comfort and style. We giggled and make lots of faces. Her natural serious face comes off like she is super mad. So we had lots of funny comments to keep the smiles natural. She is stunning so that always helps…go click on her blog and show her some love!!family photographyFamily Photography

Family Photography by Karrie Davis

Lauren is gorgeous and her eye for design was so evident in her home. She inspires me with her blog to be a better mom, friend, sister, and home decorator!

Family PhotographyFamily Photography

Newborn Photographer

Newborn Photographer | Karrie Davis Photography

newborn photographer
Baby Grady

Newborn Photographer Karrie Davis Photography captured Baby Grady.  Grady was such a doll baby. His parents were visiting for a few week around the holidays to Cape May County. Grady is such a deep thinker for a 1 month old. His stare is full of intention and I felt that he was in deep thought when he would look at me. He was WIDE awake the whole time, except for the last few minutes when he could not fight it any longer. He had to be the most awake baby I have had in a long time.